Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Essay

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Noah Hernandez
Dr. Preston
AP English Literature and Composition
June 8, 2015
My Growth
Going into the course, I was sure of one thing and one thing only. It would be a struggle to get by and that theres no way that this class would benefit myself. Over the course of the year, I’ve had experiences that I had no preparation for. I went into my senior year a very frustrated young man. I was tired of my frustrations being written off as teenage angst. It was in this class, that I learned how to control it, and use it. It was in the untraditional source of education that I found the most value in, more than the literature of Hamlet or Beowulf. However, in those great literary works I found that the questions and doubts I had were not relatively new questions. That in fact those thoughts have been around for ages. Without the lessons and experiences from this course, I would not have acquired this new level of conciseness. 
  One of the most comforting things about this course was to find out I was not alone. This was quite apparent the whole year but it was confirmed during the Masterpiece Academy. Many presentations were able to show how teenagers can affect the community around us. Alec was a big inspiration with his work with special baseball players in the challenge league. Siera was able to shed light on the homeless problem that we are made aware of everyday. Liz and Victoria were able to show that we as young people are curious and want to help everyone that we can.  Even in presentations like Joey’s where he was able to show free software can make a difference on peoples lives. These presentations showed me the strength that our powerful minds have. 
This opportunity in this class was far greater than any class I’ve taken before. This was 
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where I found the most humor. I loved seeing people give their presentations on such vast topics. It was almost as if I see was seeing a whole new side to someone. I have personally known Henry for thirteen years and yet I have never known that he and I have many of the same ideas. Watching as Taylor was infatuated with American serial killers was both hilarious and concerning at the same time. It was truly remarkable to see so many people express what they are passionate about it in an environment that not only encourage it, but thrived from it. The more I saw people work on their passions, the more I thought I put into my own. The most sincere moment I experienced was when Miles asked if I meant what I said about his video. The sound of accomplishment and pride in his voice after I said yes was one of the most genuine things I’ve ever experienced. It was moments like these that I found my joy in. 

I would say that I am the hero in my bildungsroman. I never thought I would have the experiences or confidence to be who I really am. I was always afraid of my intelligence. I never wanted to act smart because it seems like being smart is the same as being an asshole. It was in this course that I learned to embrace it. I was able to sit down with Paul Orfalea and establish an amazing relationship with him. The initial email I sent to him was inspired by the lesson we had about mentors. I know that one day I will change the world. In fact, I’m confident in saying that most people who come into contact with me know that to be true as well. I am no longer the angry teenager walking through the halls. I’m the guy who understands that his life is just beginning and its about to start being good. This course was everything I needed it to be. Thank you.