Sunday, November 2, 2014

Wheres my voice in my education? (Master Piece thoughts)

Its not even one full semester into my final year of high school and I dread going to school every day. This is not "senioritis" nor laziness nor arrogance. This is coming from the fact that none of my teachers have gone through what the average AP student goes through in their senior year. In my four years in high school, I've never had teachers who thought that their class was the only one we had. I'm tired of dealing with college apps, scholarships, essays, resumes, and trying to feed the ego's of my teachers as their students fail again and again due to their poor and outdated teaching skills. At this point in our lives, we are supposed to know what we want to do for a career, what major you want to pursue, where you want to live and yet we are forced into pre-requisite classes in order to graduate that a year from now will offer us no benefit. This semester is the most stressful for a high school student and yet our teachers are showing no quarter. They relish in the fact that they are "experts" in their subject and yet if they were asked a general question about one our other subjects, they would be stumped. Its my senior year of high school and I have no clue how it is possible to balance sports, work, sleep, college apps, resumes, scholarships, AP classes, studying for college entrance exams, homework, and, most importantly, sanity.

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